Snow and Prince Redux #4 Honeymoon in Curaçao

The party was over.  Prince and Snow were whisked off to the royal jet. Prince had booked a fast getaway to Curaçao for their honeymoon. They would not get to spend long in paradise. The coming weekend his father is calling for the royal presentation of Snow and Prince to the kingdom. He told the couple he had a proclamation to make. Prince was puzzled but King would not divulge more of his thoughts to his son instead urged him go relax and have a wonderful time with his bride. Prince did not really mind the short trip. He was just happy for a couple of days alone with his bride.

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They spent the first day doing a bit of shopping in a local village and

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a quick trip thru a photo booth for honeymoon portraits..

vaca pic

For dinner they enjoyed a light repast at a small local coffee shop.

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Even tho travel had made Snow feel a little off , it did not stop her from beating the tar out Prince on a video game machine.

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It was off to an early “bedtime” for the lovebirds as adventure awaited them the next day!

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A little sightseeing was on the list today.  They happened upon a dark little shop run by the local voodoo priest!  Even tho they were a tad creeped out they ventured in to have a look around. Prince reached to get a volume from the dusty shelf and all of a sudden there was creaking sound and the shelf began to move ever so slowly.  There was an opening behind the shelf.  Snow and prince stop, transfixed for a moment.  The smell of damp dirt and minerals reach their noses and they could hear the faint sounds of water.  They looked at each other and then with a grin slipped behind the shelf.  As they descended the stairs their eyes quickly grew accustomed to the low light.   When Snow and Prince hit the floor of the cave they were met with a fanciful site.

Statuary, flowers and sweet little underground stream.  As they explored they found mysterious caves, enormous statues, fountains and even a wishing well.  Slipping their street clothes to the ground, revealing their bathing suits beneath, they dove into the refreshing waters of the underground stream.

They agreed that this was a most amazing place to explore.  Being together made it all the more special!

It is the last day of this little hasty junket.  Spending yesterday in the caves was so much fun BUT today it was to be all sunshine, sand and salt water!  Prince and Snow enjoyed a quick bite of lunch alfresco

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and off they trotted with beach towels and sunblock in hand! After a day in the sun they head back to their room to get cleaned up and off to a night on the town.

The night life in Curaçao is said to be without a doubt the best in the islands.  There is just no way these two dancing machines can pass up a night at the club.  They head over to the Salinja district, where most locals party.  DJ Scruffy Duffy was pumping out the tunes and keeping the crowds entertained.

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Prince and Snow could resist getting a little closer when the music slowed down.
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Near the end of the evening they slid up to the bar to do a little sampling of some local brew and enjoy some quiet conversation.

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Tomorrow they are headed back to the Chateau and all the pandemonium that seems to radiate from that place.  Truth be told they were kind of excited to go back.  Prince yearned to show his lovely bride to the people and for Snow … well it is not every day you get presented to a kingdom in a gala event!

***********************************************************************TY Elke Renz (aka Simoniona) for the FAB build (this is one you have to see)


28 thoughts on “Snow and Prince Redux #4 Honeymoon in Curaçao

  1. Oh I love all of Snows outfits such a class act that one! – also that lot is incredible ❤ – the honeymoon photo shoot was to die for and am high fiving you for the extra creativity in regards to the voodoo priest and the 'secret room' – just incredible!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A l’l bit of World Adventures? That’s what I thought as I saw the secret room. Amazing place and amazing lot!
    Snow looks gorgeous in the new outfits. The honeymoon was perfect! ♥♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I thought I knew the Name already! Of cours I know because I I’v already fav some builds of her. She’s amazing! I intend to use some builds asa I get all my old Fabula Chapters on my blog. Time is my only enemy :(((


  3. This looks like a vacation I’d want to take – the scenery is fantastic! Also, Prince’s hawaiian shirt and rolled up pants just crack me up -they just shout “tourist”. haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am sooooo sooo spoiled .. you will have to go check out some of my friends .. Tokulee is to die for .. simoniona there are no words for her stuff .. gothkittymimi is just delightful and if you are looking for a simpler fab (although her Graceland was far from simple) you have to check out simsomnia

      Liked by 1 person

    1. This from my frined Elke and she is amazing .. she has done everything from Hogwarts (you will see that in just a few days) to Venice to times square .. just stunning work and all cc free (Virtualee uses her a lot too) her origin id is Simoniona

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I am really enjoying seeing the continuation of Snow’s story beyond the wedding. Your photos are so lovely too and I can tell you put a lot of work into creating nice settings for them. The photos in the cave are stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I noticed and you are right to use from her. I am impressed how talented the sims 4 builders are. The tools helps them a lot I know but nevermind. Thank you for telling us your resources I’ll be very useful to me when I’ll get the sims 4 of my own and not from unofficial sources I deleted that copy long time ago.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I can’t play with her stuffs because I bet she’s not into the sims 3 but I do agree 😉 her interiors are realistic and they suits your story.
        I am also in awe with a sims 3 builder and decorator who is also doesn’t use any cc except the store items. I just love people like them. Anyways cc are useless sometimes we got a bunch and they took a lot of resources.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. What a fun adventure! You are very good at making things sound realistic, yet still sim-y (if that makes sense haha). It is really enjoyable to read!


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